Access Settings-Media Tab

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Here you can select default View Access Level for Listings and Reviews Media. Only the selected access level will be able to view/play/download media. The media count totals will reflect the count for media that is not accessible to the current user. This is because totals are pre-calculated for improved performance.


Allow Uploads from URL - selected user groups will be able to upload listing media by pasting the url to the media file on a 3rd pary site.

Photos/Videos/Attacments/Audio - select user groups that will be able to add media to listings.

Registered Group - select All to allow uploads by any registered user without the need to submit a review.


Allow Uploads from URL - selected user groups will be able to upload review media by pasting the url to the media file on a 3rd pary site.

Photos/Videos/Attacments/Audio - select user groups that will be able to add media to reviews.


Moderate (Hold for approval) - media uploads of selected user groups will be held for approval by admin.

Edited Media - media will be sent back to the moderation queue and held for approval when edited via the frontend.


Likes for Photos - select user groups that will be allowed to like/dislike photos.

Likes for Videos - select user groups that will be allowed to like/dislike videos.

Edit Media - choose which user groups will be able to edit media items. Registered and Author can edit only their own media. Editor and above can edit all media.

Delete Media - choose which user groups will be able to delete media items. Registered and Author can delete only their own media. Editor and above can delete all media.

Publish Media - choose which user groups will be able to publish media items. Registered and Author can publish only their own media. Editor and above can publish all media.