Catch-all options

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Read Creating JReviews Menu Items for detailed steps on how to create a JReviews menu item.

Some types of JReviews pages don't require a regular JReviews menu item, which means it's not easy to controll their URL structure or to assign modules to them. To solve this problem, it is recommended to create Catch-all menu items that will automatically become the parent menu items of those pages.

The Catch-All options menu item has these parameters:


Type of Menu - there are 4 different options, which means you should create a separate menu item for each of them:

  • Media - parent menu item for all media detail pages and media upload page.
  • Listing Edit - parent menu item of all listing edit pages
  • Listing Comparison - parent menu item of all listing comparison pages
  • View All Reviews for Listing - parent menu item of all "View All Reviews" pages that are available on listing detail pages when the listing has a large number of reviews.

Everywhere Extension - this parameter is used only when "View All Reviews for Listing" type of menu is used. You can have a separate "View All Reviews" menu item for each Everywhere Extensions. For JReviews listings always use 'com_content'.

The Catch-All menus should not be visible anywhere on your site, you should create them in a "Hidden Menu".