City Guide with JReviews and Joomla - Part 3 - Creating Field Groups and Custom Fields

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Creating Field Groups and Custom Fields is optional. If you don't create them, you'll only have the 3 standard Joomla fields on the listing submission form: Title, Summary and Description.

Custom fields allow you to add additional input elements on the listing submission form (i.e. select lists with States and Cities). Custom Fields must be placed into a Field Group.

In this tutorial we'll create two field groups: Location and Contact Info that will be used in all categories.

The Location field group will contain these fields:

  • State (type: Single Select)
  • City (type: Single Select)
  • Address (type: Text)
  • Postal Code (type: Text)

The Contact Info field group will contain these fields:

  • Phone Number (type: Text)
  • E-mail (type: E-mail address)
  • Website (type: Website url)

Even though Postal Code and Phone Number fields will mostly contain integer numbers, you should not used the integer type of field for them because integer field type can't have leading zeroes, spaces or other characters.

Additional field groups and custom fields can be created at any time. Later we will create more custom fields for specific categories.

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Part 4 - Creating Listing Types