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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allredirects arcontinue="City_Guide_Part_7_-_Setting_up_Directories_&amp;_Categories|1410" />
      <r ns="0" title="Can I change the size of existing listing thumbnails" />
      <r ns="0" title="Can I customize the code to extend the functionality of JReviews" />
      <r ns="0" title="Can I install JReviews in a development domain" />
      <r ns="0" title="Can I use one license in domains with different domain suffixes (TLDs)" />
      <r ns="0" title="Can I use one license key on sites with different domain suffixes (TLDs)" />
      <r ns="0" title="Category Layout Manager" />
      <r ns="0" title="Category Plans Page" />
      <r ns="0" title="City Guide Part 1 - Installing Joomla 1.7" />
      <r ns="0" title="City Guide Part 2 - Installing iReview template for Joomla" />
      <r ns="0" title="City Guide Part 3 - Installing JReviews" />