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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allfileusages gafcontinue="Calendar-module-settings.png|1328" />
      <page pageid="18" ns="0" title="Fields Manager" />
      <page pageid="47" ns="0" title="JReviews Code Overrides" />
      <page pageid="52" ns="0" title="Category Layout Manager" />
      <page pageid="164" ns="0" title="How to edit the JReviews language files" />
      <page pageid="533" ns="0" title="Setup Twitter integration" />
      <page pageid="560" ns="0" title="Using the Banner Field Type" />
      <page pageid="578" ns="0" title="New Themes in JReviews 2.3" />
      <page pageid="669" ns="0" title="How to output user fields from Community Builder in JReviews themes" />