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        <page value="20100106194706" timestamp="2010-01-06T19:47:06Z" ns="0" title="How to display only listings without reviews in the Listings Module" />
        <page value="20100106194958" timestamp="2010-01-06T19:49:58Z" ns="0" title="How to remove &#039;Business&#039; from SOBI2 listing titles" />
        <page value="20100106210828" timestamp="2010-01-06T21:08:28Z" ns="0" title="How do I truncate the length of the listing titles" />
        <page value="20100111193217" timestamp="2010-01-11T19:32:17Z" ns="0" title="How to translate text and textfields with Joomfish" />
        <page value="20100823211339" timestamp="2010-08-23T21:13:39Z" ns="0" title="How to submit a listing without having to review it at the same time" />
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        <page value="20110131204939" timestamp="2011-01-31T20:49:39Z" ns="0" title="Moving a JReviews install to a different server" />
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