Difference between revisions of "Customizing the list page"

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(Structure of the list page)
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Revision as of 17:36, 30 August 2010

Theme files of the section/category list page are located here:

  • \com_jreviews\jreviews\views\themes\{theme_name}\listings\listings_header.thtml - header, included on every list page
  • \com_jreviews\jreviews\views\themes\{theme_name}\listings\listings_blogview.thtml - used if you selected Blogview as 'Display Type' in JReviews Configuration Settings
  • \com_jreviews\jreviews\views\themes\{theme_name}\listings\listings_tableview.thtml - used if you selected Tableview as 'Display Type'
  • \com_jreviews\jreviews\views\themes\{theme_name}\listings\listings_thumbview.thtml - used if you selected Thumbview as 'Display Type'
  • \com_jreviews\jreviews\views\themes\{theme_name}\listings\cmsblog.thtml - used on Joomla frontpage and on Joomla Blogsection/Blogcategory pages

Before making any changes, read How does the JReviews Theme Engine work and copy the files to "jreviews_overrides" folder.

Structure of the list page


  • <div class="jr_pathway"> - JReviews breadcrumbs
  • <div class="jr_rss"> - RSS icons
  • <h1 class="contentheading"> - page title
  • <div class="jr_pgDescription"> - page description
  • <div class="jr_listScope roundedPanel"> - rounded box with section name and categories
  • <div class="jr_itemList_new"> - add new listing link


  • <table class="jr_pagination"> - top pagination
  • <div class="jr_blogview"> - all listings
    • <div class="listItem"> - listing
      • <div class="contentColumn"> - rating table and thumbnail
      • <div class="contentTitle"> - listing title and icons
      • <div class="contentInfo"> - author details, date, hits
      • <div class="jr_customFields"> - custom fields
      • <div class="contentIntrotext"> - summary text
      • <div class="contentActions"> - read more links
  • <table class="jr_pagination"> - bottom pagination