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Latest revision as of 15:01, 7 January 2014

Read Creating JReviews Menu Items for detailed steps on how to create a JReviews menu item.

The Reviews pages display a list of reviews based on how you configure the menu parameters.

Example of a "Latest Reviews" page can be seen on the JReviews demo site: http://demo.reviewsforjoomla.com/latest-reviews.

The Reviews Pages menu item has these parameters:


Type of Menu - available options:

  • My Reviews - displays reviews of the logged in user. Should be created in a "User Menu" that isn't visible to guest visitors.
  • Reviews - Latest reviews (all) - displays latest user and editor reviews.
  • Reviews - Latest user reviews - displays only latest user reviews.
  • Reviews - Latest editor reviews - displays only latest editor reviews.
  • Reviews - Custom List - displays reviews based on the custom sql commands that you enter in the Custom WHERE and Custom ORDER BY parameters. Read about Custom WHERE and Custom ORDER BY.

Category - filters reviews to the selected category. This parameter is optional. If the Category is selected, you must enter the Extension name in the below parameter.

Extension - use to filter reviews by component (i.e. com_content, com_sobi2).

Page total - total number of reviews that will be shown.

Limit per page - how many reviews will be shown per page.

Theme Suffix - enter a theme suffix if you want a specific theme file to be used for this page.

Custom WHERE for Custom List only - this parameter is used only if Reviews - Custom List is selected as type of menu. Read about Custom WHERE and Custom ORDER BY.

Custom ORDER BY for Custom List only - this parameter is used only if Reviews - Custom List is selected as type of menu. Read about Custom WHERE and Custom ORDER BY.

Page Description - custom description that will appear on top of the page.