PaidListings Add-on Overview

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The PaidListings Add-on allows you to monetize your website by accepting payments for submission of commercial listings as well as listing upgrades. Use it for classifieds, real estate listings, city guides and more.


You can create base and upgrade plans, with one time or subscription payments and associate them with specific categories. Each plan can include a set of custom fields, a specific number of media and make the listing featured.

Pricing plan can include:

  • a set of custom fields
  • specific number of media (photos, videos, attachments, audio)
  • option to make the listing featured
  • additional options by using custom variables

Available payment types:

  • One Time Payment
  • Subscription
  • Free or Trial

Payment Handlers

PaidListings Add-on comes with payment handlers for Paypal, 2Checkout and Only Paypal supports subscriptions at this time.

Offline payment option is also possible, as well as the ability to pay with AlphaUserPoints or JomSocial points.

Email Notifications

The add-on can email both user and administrator at different times like order placement, payment processing and plan expiration. The email templates are customizable via the admin interface.


The add-on has coupon configuration options unlike anything you've seen before. Coupons can be configured for specific dates, plans, users, categories and number of times used.

Tracking code

Adding Javascript tracking code for systems like Google Analytics is as simple as pasting the correct code in the pre-defined tracking fields in the configuration. There's no need to edit theme files. The add-on even provides special {tags} you can use in the code like order id, order amount and plan name.

Examples of PaidListings usage

PaidListings Add-on is great for many types of websites, for example Classifieds, City Guides, Product reviews sites, ...

Your pricing plans can be organized like this:

  • one basic plan for listing submission - free or small price, with a set of custom fields and specific number of media
  • one or more premium plans for listing submissions - higher price, with larger set of custom fields, higher number of media, and other features like inquiry form, ...
  • one or more listing upgrade plans - listing upgrade plans are used to upgrade previously purchased basic or premium plan with additional custom fields, additional media or to make the listing featured

Example of Pricing Plan Overview for Hotel category on a City Guide website
