How to set default website custom field value to http://

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Revision as of 18:06, 19 October 2010 by Jreviews (Talk | contribs)

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The website custom field requires a full url to be entered, including http://.

If users enter urls without it, the validation will fail.

To prevent this, you can use Javascript to automatically add http:// as the field value.

To do that, edit this file:

  • \com_jreviews\jreviews\views\themes\default\listings\create_form.thtml

Find this code in the file:

/********************************************************************************** *                                 EDIT HTML BELOW THIS LINE **********************************************************************************/

and paste this Javascript code below it:

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(function() {                
            if (jQuery("input#jr_website").val() == '') {
            if (jQuery("input#jr_website").val() == 'http://') {                

Change jr_website in the script above to the name of your website custom field.