GeoMaps Modifying Advanced Search Filters

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Similar to the advanced search module/widget you can also customize the advanced filters in the GeoMaps module and Mapview page. It's possible to customize the filters using theme files and also through the theme customization settings in the 'Site Filters' tab.

1) When using the theme files for customizations you'll be modifying the following file:

In Joomla:

  • /components/com_jreviews_addons/geomaps/views/themes/geomaps/elements/map-search.thtml

In WordPress:

  • /wp-content/plugins/jreviews_addons/geomaps/views/themes/geomaps/elements/map-search.thtml

You can place the file in your overrides folder in jreviews_overrides/views/themes/YOUR_THEME/elements/map-search.thtml

2) When using the theme settings approach, you will add the theme code directly in the setting and enable the settings-based theme. Below you can find the starter theme code for the advanced filters.

<div class="jrGrid">
	<div class="jrCol6">
		<div class="jrFieldDiv">
			{category_label}: {category}
		<div class="jrFieldDiv">
			{keywords_label}: {keywords}
	<div class="jrCol6">
		<div class="jrFieldDiv">
			{user_rating_label}: {user_rating}
		<div class="jrFieldDiv">
			{editor_rating_label}: {editor_rating}
<div class="jrGrid" style="text-align:center;">
	<div class="jrFieldDiv">
		<a class="jr-update jrButton jrOrange" style="font-weight: 100;"><span>Update Results</span></a>

You are free to change the layout anyway you want and you can also include additional custom fields in the filters using the following syntax:

<div class="jrFieldDiv jrLeft">
  {jr_name_label}: {jr_name}