Media Settings-Storage Settings tab
Photos - choose between Local or Amazon S3 storage.
Videos - videos can only be uploaded to Amazon S3 (because they need to be encoded into multiple formats by 3rd party video encoders).
3rd Party Videos (embedded) - choose between Local or Amazon S3 storage for thumbnails of embedded videos.
Attachments - choose between Local or Amazon S3 storage.
Audio - audio files can only be uploaded to Amazon S3 (because they need to be encoded into multiple formats by 3rd party audio encoders).
Path: - choose where media files will be uploaded when Local storage is enabled. Default is: media/reviews/
Original media folder name - choose the subfolder name for the original uploaded media.
Thumbnail media folder name - choose the subfolder name for the thumbnails.
API Key - if you choose to store media files to Amazon S3, enter the API Key of your Amazon S3 account.
API Secret - if you choose to store media files to Amazon S3, enter the API Secret of your Amazon S3 account.
Replace Amazon S3 URLs with CDN URLs - if you want to use CloudFront CDN with Amazon S3, read How to set up JReviews with Amazon S3 and CloudFront CDN.