JReviews GeoMaps Add-on

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Revision as of 11:06, 17 June 2011 by Jreviews (Talk | contribs)

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Using multiple Google Maps API keys when using domain aliases

The add-on has a setting for only one API key. If you have alias domains pointed to your main site you will need one key per domain. The following hack will allow you to do that.


function beforeFilter() {
   # Init Access
   # Load a different google maps key for every domain alias
   switch($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
      case 'www.domain-alias.com':
         $this->Config->{'geomaps.google_key'} = 'Google Maps API Key for the domain alias';


Marker assignment via a custom field not working

The add-on allows you to use the images assigned to custom field options as markers. This is particularly useful if you've used a custom field for categorization. If the marker is not appearing on your maps you need to check a couple of things:

1. The field needs to be a single select or radio field because it's no possible to show more than one marker per listing.

2. The marker image needs to be placed in the add-on's icon folder. This means you will need to copy the image from the theme's theme_images folder to the icon folder where the add-on can find it.