JReviews RapidLauncher Add-on
Demo database export (download one of these packages):
- jreviews-sample.sql.zip - JReviews 2.5 Sample Data
- jreviews-ireview-sample.sql.zip - JReviews 2.5 Sample Data + iReview 3 Template Sample Data
Demo sample media files: sample-media-files.zip
Category Images: category-images.zip
This allows you to have a local copy of the JReviews demo site to test JReviews. It is not possible to add this sample data to an existing site.
Steps to setup the demo site
1. Download the latest version of Joomla 3.x from http://www.joomla.org/
2. Install Joomla.
3. After the installation is completed, use PHPMyAdmin to import the downloaded jreviews-sample.sql.zip or jreviews-ireview-sample.sql.zip file to the same database where you installed Joomla.
4. Edit the configuration.php file in the root of Joomla and change the $dbprefix variable to 'tkm7_'. The line should look like this:
public $dbprefix = 'tkm7_';
5. Extract the downloaded sample-media-files.zip file and upload the extracted "reviews" folder to Joomla's /media folder. So, the paths to the media files will be:
- root/media/reviews/attachments
- root/media/reviews/photos
- root/media/reviews/videos
6. Extract the downloaded category-images.zip file and upload the "category-images" folder to Joomla's /images folder.
7. Go to the /administrator area and log in using admin/admin.
8. Install S2Framework and JReviews components the same as you would for a normal installation, follow these instructions: Installing JReviews component. Before the installation make sure your server meets all JReviews Pre-install requirements.
9. Go to the JReviews Administration and click on Remote Install & Update to install JReviews Add-ons that you purchased.
If you downloaded JReviews 2.5 Sample Data + iReview 3 Template Sample Data, do this step as well:
10. Install the iReview 3 Joomla template and set it as default in Joomla Template Manager.